January 9th, 2018338Read UTimes article on the Medium: https://medium.com/@UTimes2017/ut-alumni-still-detained-in-egypt-3008ea6dd0a9
Ola al-Qaradawi had already been held in solitary confinement for 150 days in an Egyptian prison. During her last detention renewal on Nov. 25, she could only watch helplessly behind a thick glass shield as the...
January 9th, 2018993Egyptians in America are leading a join letter to be sent to the Egyptian Embassy. We welcome all Americans to join in solidarity by signing the letter below. The letter will be hand delivered by supporters to the the Consul General and Ambassador.
If you would like to support this effort please fill in the form below to have your...
January 8th, 2018121
Today at the courthouse in the police academy in the Torah prison complex, Hosam was renewed for another 45 days by Judge Shaaban al-Shami, who presides over the criminal court circuit 15. Al-Shami is known for the mass death sentences he ruled on in 2015.
Lawyers were surprised to find out Hosam was not brought to the...